Featured Upcoming Speaker
Marcus Davage
Lead Product Developer
Having graduated in Computer Science at Aberystwyth in 1990, Marcus has worked with mainframes ever since, as a programmer, systems programmer, consultant, database administrator, production support hero, production support villain and management piñata for various companies. He is now a Lead Product Developer for BMC Software. He holds an MBCS, CEng, CITP, and, more often than not, a glass of wine. He is an IBM Champion, an IBM Z and LinuxONE Influencer, Open Mainframe Project Ambassador, Joint Chairman of the UK Db2 User Group, a member of the IDUG Content Committee and the GSE UK Conference Planning Committee. In his spare time, he is a STEM Ambassador, leading a Code Club in a Welsh-medium junior school, and translating Raspberry Pi Foundation resources into Welsh. He blogs and casts pods, too. Apparently.