Virtual CICS User Group Sponsors
CICS Listserv
You can subscribe to the CICS-L Listserv by sending an e-mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU with the command: SUBSCRIBE CICS-L
You can also register and login at>
It contains CICS-related questions and answers going back to February 1996.
Upcoming Virtual Meetings
November 12, 2024
Virtual CICS User Group Meeting
Seven Deadly Sins of CICS Integration
Scott Brod and Russ Teubner
January 14, 2025
Virtual CICS User Group Meeting
Ansible Automation Platform in Action: Provisioning z/OS Middleware with the Latest CICS TS Collection
Drew Hughes, Developer - CICS Modernization Team at IBM
Andrew Twydell, Software Engineer at IBM